Henry Zhao, flute

Henry Zhao

Wind Symphony Solo Competition Winner

     Henry Zhao, 17, is a junior at Mission San Jose High School. He has played the flute for 7 years and piccolo for 5 years, and he currently studies under the tutelage of Professor Isabelle Chapuis.  Henry is the main piccoloist for his high school’s Wind Ensemble and volunteers as a music librarian. In junior high, he was the co-principal flutist in the Wind Ensemble and received the Director’s Award for Band in 2020.

     Outside of school, Henry actively auditions and participates in honor ensembles. He has been a member of the CBDA All-State Honor Bands for 4 years, including being selected as the piccoloist for the 2023 High School Wind Symphony. Additionally, he has participated in the NCBA All-Northern Honor Band for 5 years, performing as a piccoloist for 3 years and receiving 2 scholarships. In the summer of 2022, he performed in the Wiener Musikverein’s Golden Hall in Vienna, Austria in the Honors Performance Series High School Honor Band. Henry has also performed in programs at various universities, including the University of the Pacific and San Jose State University. In his free time, he likes to tinker with computers and electronics.


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