Benefit Raffle Ticket Sales

The CYS Benefit Raffle is a fabulous opportunity to win valuable prizes while helping our organization raise much needed funds for the 2021-2022 season.  Here are some details about the raffle.


Paris or London Getaway - you choose!
Choose when to travel *: Veterans Day Weekend (November 2022) or Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend (January 2023) 

Included in the Trip:

You may enter by mail by clicking on the icon at the right to download the ticket order form. Internet and email entries will not be accepted. You may buy as many tickets as you like. Only one name will appear on each ticket. Please, no international orders or international credit cards. Also please note, the IRS does not allow money spent on raffle tickets to be tax deductible contributions. Proceeds from this raffle benefit the California Youth Symphony.


  1. $300 Amazon Gift Card
  2. $200 Amazon Gift Card
  3. $200 Gift Certificate #1 from Allan Kuo Photography
  4. $200 Gift Certificate #2 from Allan Kuo Photography
  5. Logitech bluetooth speakers (valued between $150-$199)
  6. Logitech bluetooth speakers (valued between $150-$199)
  7. Logitech bluetooth speakers (valued between $150-$199)
  8. Logitech bluetooth speakers (valued between $150-$199)
  9. Logitech bluetooth speakers (valued between $150-$199)

Raffle tickets will continue to be sold at the Tour Preview concert at the San Mateo Performing Arts Center on Sunday, June 21 at 2:30 PM. Please arrive early to purchase your ticket! A raffle purchase will also serve as admission to the concert. You may buy as many tickets as you like. Only one name will appear on each ticket. Internet and email entries will not be accepted. Please, no international orders or international credit cards. Also please note, the IRS does not allow money spent on raffle tickets to be tax deductible contributions. Proceeds from this raffle benefit the California Youth Symphony.

Ticket sales for the California Youth Symphony Benefit Raffle will take place between September 1, 2019 and June 21, 2020. Tickets cost $10.00 each.  All proceeds will benefit the California Youth Symphony.  The winners of the Raffle will be chosen by random drawing of purchased raffle tickets.  The drawing will be held at the CYS Tour Preview Concert, June 21, 2020 (Father's Day)- San Mateo Performing Arts Center.  Concert begins at 2:30 PM.  There is an admission charge for the concert. A raffle ticket purchase on June 21 will also serve as admission to the concert.  The winner need not be present at the concert.  Winners names will be posted on the CYS webpage.  All reasonable efforts will be made to contact the winners, but if a winner does not claim his/her prize by June 30, 2020 an additional ticket will be drawn at random and the prize will be awarded to the new ticket holder. All winners must provide the entry ticket to prove that they are the holders of a winning ticket. Any disputes that may arise over the Raffle will be decided solely by the California Youth Symphony in a manner that is fair and equitable to Raffle participants.


CYS expresses its deep appreciation for the generosity of organizations and individuals in support of our 2019-2020 CYS Season.

  1. Parisian Getaway - donated by Encore Tours
  2. $200 Gift Certificates from Allan Kuo Photography - donated by Allan Kuo
  3. Logitech bluetooth speakers - donated by Erin Lo & Logitech

If you are interested in helping CYS by providing additional prizes to make the raffle more attractive, please contact Mrs. Judy Chan at We very much welcome support in this way from all types of business. All contributors names will be mentioned and thanked in our program and other publicity associated with the season.