Prelude to Spring - Festival Concert

For the first time, the CYS Associate Orchestra under the baton of Music Director Leo Eylar joined forces with the the CYS Intermediate String Ensemble conducted by Kati Kyme and the CYS Wind Ensemble II conducted by Rosita Amador in this festival concert. The CYS Associate Orchestra featured soloist Davis You as one of three winners in this season's Associate Orchestra concerto competition.  

Leo Eylar, Associate Orchestra Conductor
Kati Kyme, String Ensemble Conductor
Rosita Amador, Wind Ensemble Conductor
Davis You, cello

Concert Highlights

Wind Ensemble II
Jenkins: American Overture for Band
Sheldon: Velocity
Sousa/Keith Brion & Loras Schissel: The Stars and Stripes Forever

Intermediate String Ensemble
Fauré: The Sicilienne from Pelléas et Mélisande
Beethoven: Allegro molto and Quasi presto
     from String Quartet No. 2, Op. 18

Associate Orchestra
Mozart: Overture to Abduction from the Seraglio
Dvořák: Rondo (Davis You, soloist)
Offenbach: Overture to Orpheus in the Underworld
Tchaikovsky: Polonaise from Eugene Onegin
Williams: Selections from Star Wars Suite

Associate Orchestra Concerto Competition Winner

Davis You, a winner of the Associate Orchestra concerto competition, studies cello with Irene Sharp. He has twice been selected to perform in the Junior Bach Festival. He also enjoys composing and participated in an intensive composition workshop at the San Francisco Conservatory over the summer. He is a sixth grader at Jordan Middle School in Palo Alto.

Concert Information

Smithwick Theatre

Foothill College
March 9, 2014


Davis You
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March 2014
Prelude to Spring
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Rosita Amador
Wind Ensembles
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Kati Kyme
String Ensembles
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Leo Eylar
Associate Orchestra
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