Our yearly Holiday Concert is a wonderful opportunity to hear the Associate Orchestra and the Senior Orchestra, under the direction of Maestro Eylar, and the CYS Wind Symphony, under the direction of Pete Nowlen. Maestro Nowlen has chosen a wonderfully eclectic program featuring Leonard Bernstein’s Candide Suite, For Archie, by Yan Pang, plus Chris Sharp’s Christmas in a Nutshell and Grant Cottier’s Fantasy on an Old French Carol to put you in the Holiday spirit. The Associate Orchestra, under the direction of Maestro Eylar, will delight you with the high-energy Overture to Zampa by Herold, Selections from West Side Story by Bernstein/Mason, Borodin’s evocative Polovetsian Dances, and the Finale from Dvorak’s beloved “New World’ Symphony. A very special treat is in store from the Senior Orchestra as we perform, for the first time, selections from Duke Ellington’s Nutcracker Suite, often called the “Jazzcracker Suite”. The orchestra will also perform Holiday favorites such as White Christmas, Deck the Halls, Joy to the World, and selections from the perennial favorite, Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker. There is something for everyone in this rich and varied festive event!

Wind Symphony Highlights

Bernstein/Adapted by Grundman: Candide Suite
Pang: For Archie
Traditional/Arr. Sharp: Christmas in a Nutshell
Cottier: Fantasy on an Old French Carol

Associate Orchestra Highlights

Bernstein/Arr. Mason: West Side Story, Selection for Orchestra
Borodin: Polovetsian Dances
Dvořák: "Allegro con fuoco" from Symphony No. 9, "New World"
Herold: Overture to Zampa

Senior Orchestra Highlights

Ellington/Strayhorn/Ad. Tyzik: Selections from Nutcracker Suite by P.I. Tchaikovsky

Plus Classical and Seasonal Favorites!

Concert Information

San Mateo Performing Arts Center

San Mateo High School
December 4, 2022
1:00 PM
Wind Symphony & Orchestras

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Pete Nowlen
Wind Symphony
More Information

Leo Eylar
Associate Orchestra
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Leo Eylar
Senior Orchestra
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Rosita Amador
Wind Ensembles
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Kati Kyme
String Ensembles
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